Yoga Heals Us Home Practice Videos
Enjoy a Yoga Heals Us practice at anytime!
Yoga Heals Us on-demand video library for members provides over 100 videos (and building!) available to you 24/7/365. We are in the process of adding descriptions and will be continually adding videos.
How does it work? With a monthly membership, you will have unlimited monthly access to a library of video files at your convenience! Select the membership type that fits your preferences and budget.
Take advantage of our FREE 7 day membership for new members to check out the platform before purchasing a membership. We welcome your feedback about how we can serve you with therapeutic, adaptive yoga classes if you choose to become a member or it's not the right time.​
Join the Yoga Heals Us community today!
We welcome hearing what you most need so we can add to the membership offerings in meaningful ways.

Yoga Heals Us Chair Yoga Membership
Every month
Over 60 Chair Yoga Classes with variations to allow you to choose what’s best for you each day. The chair can assist standing poses and some classes are exclusively in the chair.
Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

Yoga Heals Us Mat Membership
Every month
Over 50 Adaptive Yoga Classes on the Mat with options to make the practice your own. Classes offer themes and guidance with an internal awareness to explore what you need each day.
Valid until canceled
7 day free trial

All Inclusive Membership
Every month
Access over 108 Yoga Heals Us Chair Yoga & Mat Classes videos. Specialty classes, shorter sequences and guided practices and meditations will be added to your toolbox.
Valid until canceled
7 day free trial
Unlimited access to all available Yoga Heals Us practices.
Choose Your Membership Plan
Find one that works for you